When it comes to going barefoot with plantar fasciitis, there are differences of opinion on whether it is good for the condition and can help, or bad for the condition and will make things worse. So is going barefoot with plantar fasciitis good or bad? Every case of Plantar Fasciitis differs with each individual, however, the general rule about going barefoot with plantar fasciitis is not to do it until your condition has improved to the point where you are pain free. At this stage, you can begin going barefoot to help strengthen the plantar fascia. There are exceptions to this general rule, and we will look more in depth…
How Being Overweight or Obese Affects Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis affects 1 in 10 people at some point during their lives. It has been proven that being overweight or obese can increase your risk of developing the condition. [Source] There are many reasons why a person may be overweight such as diet, inactivity, pregnancy, illness, medication side effects, mobility issues, just to name a few. Whatever the reason, the added weight is going to impact on your condition and will need to be addressed in some way, if you are to recover and eliminate the pain. Why does being overweight or obese increase your chances of developing plantar fasciitis? The plantar fascia tissue runs along the base…
5 Minute Plantar Fasciitis Stretching Routine For Faster Recovery
Having a Plantar Fasciitis stretching routine is an essential part of the recovery process and should be adopted by all people who are suffering from the condition. Why should you do Plantar Fasciitis stretches? A plantar fasciitis stretching routine allows you to gently stretch the plantar fascia ligament, prior to putting your body weight onto your foot, and reduces the chances of re-injury. You will notice from the statement in bold above that the keyword is ‘prior’ to putting weight on the foot. The 5 minute Plantar Fascia stretching routine that follows is to be performed before you get out of bed, or stand up from a period of rest.…
How Your Diet Can Affect Plantar Fasciitis Recovery
You may not be aware, but what you eat can have a dramatic affect on just how quicky you recover from Plantar Fasciitis. So how does diet affect Plantar Fasciitis? Many foods contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that can lower inflammation within the body. Equally, many other foods are known to exasperate the inflammation. We will now look in greater detail at why you should try to increase the types of food that will help, and eliminate those that don’t. How can food make a difference to my Plantar Fasciitis? Hundreds of years ago, before modern medicine came along, healers relied on using herbs and spices to heal the ailments of…
Cold or Heat Therapy For Plantar Fasciitis – Which Is Better?
When dealing with an injury, there is often confusion as to whether it is better to apply heat or cold to the affected area. Plantar Fasciitis is no exception, and depending on which you apply, could help or hinder your recovery. We aim to clear things up for you in that department. Should You apply heat or ice to Plantar Fasciitis? In the ACUTE stages of plantar fasciitis, ICE should be applied to the affected area. In the CHRONIC stages of plantar fasciitis, HEAT should be applied to the affected area. We will now look further into the reasons for when to use hot or cold treatments to aid recovery…
Plantar Fasciitis Foot Orthotics Explained
So you keep reading about foot orthotic inserts, orthotic shoes, orthotic this and orthotic that, but you’re not really sure what they are. Well, we aim to put that right for you. By the time you reach the end of this article, you should have a much better understanding of all the foot orthotic options available for plantar fasciitis, and how each one works. So what are foot orthotics? Foot orthotics are products that are built into, or inserted into shoes, to support the foot. The orthotics can be custom made, or bought ‘over the counter’, and will help alleviate pressure on the sensitive areas of the foot, thereby…
Dealing With Plantar Fasciitis During Pregnancy
The miracle of childbirth is a wonderful thing, however it is not without its share of pain and suffering. As a woman progresses through the different stages of her pregnancy, her body will change in many ways, and those changes can sometimes bring ailments such as plantar fasciitis. Why do pregnant women get plantar fasciits? In pregnant women, higher doses of the relaxin hormone are naturally released. This hormone softens the ligaments within the body, including the plantar fascia. Due to the added weight during pregnancy, the plantar fascia is put under greater strain, and can become damaged and inflammed. Below we will look in more depth at the contributing…
8 Most Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
Although it is more common for plantar fasciitis to appear in people over 40 years old, the condition can actually appear in people much younger. So what can cause Plantar Fasciitis? Here are a list of 8 of the most common causes of Plantar Fasciitis: Fallen or high arches Being overweight Wearing worn or non supportive footwear Patrticipating in high impact sports Long periods spent on feet Other medical conditions Pregnancy Age We will now look deeper into each of these causes of plantar fasciitis, and how to manage the risks involved with each cause. Fallen or High Arches Having fallen or high arches can considerably increaser your chances of…
Why Does Plantar Fasciitis Hurt More In The Morning
The plantar fascia tissue runs along the base of your foot from the heel bone to the toes. This tissue acts like a shock absorber when your weight is applied to the foot. When the plantar fascia is put under too much stress, it becomes weak and easily damaged. Small areas of the tissue can tear open and become inflammed. This leads to a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. Most people suffering with plantar fasciitis will experience the most intense pain first thing in the morning after waking up. Why does plantar fasciitis hurt more in the morning? During the night as you sleep, the plantar fascia contracts and the…
Will Plantar Fasciitis Go Away On Its Own?
Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that is caused by the plantar fascia tissue, that runs along the base of the foot, becoming damaged and imflammed. Many people ask whether the condition will get better without intervention. So will Plantar Fasciitis go away on its own? Yes, in some cases, plantar fasciitis will go away on its own, provided the planter fascia is given adequate time to rest and heal. This is more likely in the very early stages of plantar fasciitis, when the damage to the plantar fascia is minimal. There can be consequences to allowing plantar fasciitis to heal on its own such as: Increasing pain as time goes…